Sleep Vibes


Who else thinks sleep is SO underrated? We spend so much of our lives in constant motion. We are made to believe that if we are moving, we are being productive. Particularly in the U.S with a push for long work days, jam packed schedules, and being tied to electronics wherever we go, there is not as much emphasis placed on sleep and recovery. According to The Sleep Foundation, most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night for proper cognitive and behavioral functions. Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, high blood pressure and poor mental health among other medical conditions.

It’s so important to implement important lifestyle and sleep habits. There are a few things we can do to set ourselves up for success:

•Adopt a consistent bedtime each night and stick with it.

•Eliminate electronics in your bedroom- especially the phone by the bed!

•Leave a few hours between your last meal and bedtime to properly digest food.

•Establish mindful practices throughout the day such as meditation to calm your mind.

The truth of the matter is, when we sleep well, we wake up better, are more inclined to have a positive mindset and are better prepared to handle our daily duties. All of these things are directly linked to our overall health and wellness.

Love yourself enough, to care for yourself, and get those zzzs!



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