
Energy is Everything. Literally. We are all energy, surrounded by energy and connected through energy. Everything in this universal sea of energy is vibrating at one speed or another. When you’re feeling off- its time to Raise Your Vibration- here are some of our favorite ways to connect with the universe and turn up the frequency.

5. Walk in Nature

Being outside and getting some vitamin D is a sure way to lift your spirit. Connect with nature by mindfully feeling the warmth of the sun, breathing the fresh air, taking in the smell of the flowers and trees, and listening to all of the sounds. Even a few minutes can shift your mood entirely.

4. Do a Yoga Flow

If you are not already a yogi- its time to expand your wellness regimen. The practice of yoga allows you to go deeper into your body and mind, thereby releasing any stagnant energy. This raises your vibration and the more you move, the higher the frequency. Grab a mat, keep calm + do some yoga.

3. Meditate

In meditation there is a palpable shift in spirit through the act of sitting in stillness and freeing yourself of thought and emotion. The lightness of mind, body & soul creates a peacefulness within that results in a higher awareness of frequencies. Meditating daily will surely keep you #vibinghigh.

2. Create a Crystal Grid

Crystal Gridding is an essential for raising our vibration. Crystals respond to energies around them, and oscillate and emit different vibratory frequencies. The practice of gridding is used to connect to your heart + intention, and match and activate that frequency. It is a universal force and a connection & interrelatedness of all things at its best.

1. Practice Gratitude

One of the easiest ways to raise your vibration is by practicing gratitude every single day. By pausing to focus on gratitude, we not only increase our frequency but there is a release of dopamine and serotonin as well. By making this spiritual act a habit, you can shift your mindset to being present, always looking for the positive and maintaining a higher vibration!

Incorporating these practices into daily life cultivates the feeling of being connected and one with the universe. Many of them can even be combined for an ultimate state of energetic flow. Check in with yourself regularly and #raiseyourvibration!



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