The Four Agreements


We are so excited to introduce the next in our #bookvibes edition with one of the books that has changed our lives. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is truly a treasure. It is a short book, quick read, but unbelievably powerful! The pages in this book are a path to enlightenment and the kind of awakening that leads to personal freedom.

The First Agreement: Be Impeccable with Your Word

Words are power!! This is THE most important agreement and the most difficult to follow. Through your word, you manifest. It can create, but it can also destroy. What you say, you believe- you become. We make agreements with ourselves based on our words, and these agreements directly shape our lives. Most importantly, through your word you can share love- with yourself and with others!

The Second Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally

Nothing is about you- this one was eye opening for us! What other people say and do, how they treat you, it’s all about them, not you. Even when things seem so personal, the things others say and do are directly because of the agreements they have in their own minds. This is why it is so important to be confident and love yourself. To know who you are- and it will not matter what someone says- whether positive or negative. When you know who you are, you are unaffected.

The Third Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions

It is human nature to make assumptions- about everything! The problem is that when we make assumptions, we believe that they are true. This can lead to taking things personally, and has great implications, when in fact, the assumption is not true, and just a dream in our mind. It is very dangerous. This is a habit, and to break it we need to understand the importance of not making assumptions- and then we need to take action!

The Fourth Agreement: Always Do Your Best

This agreement brings all of the others together. To always do your best, under any circumstance- no more, no less. By doing so, you live life with intensity, you are productive. You are good to your family and to your community. Doing your best becomes action you take because you love it, not because you are expecting a reward. Most importantly- there are NO regrets. You learn to accept yourself, and become aware, and learn from your mistakes.

The only way the first three agreements work, is if you do your best. Do not expect that you will master these from the very beginning. They are habits that can be broken and transformed, with the repeated action of the habits you wish to attain.

This book is truly a gift and has been life-changing. We hope you enjoy it as much!



Crystal Magic


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