Crystal Magic


We recently had the opportunity to learn more about crystals and why they are so magical and powerful! The Awakened Now put together the most amazing class to break down everything crystal. There is so much to cover so we HIGHLY recommend checking out the class, but we’re giving you the highlights here!

Foundation of Crystals:

Everything is Energy

Everything in the world is energy in a continual state of change. Energy in the universe transforms from one state to another. There is an inner relatedness of all things- vibration, frequency, energy and numbers.

Sacred Geometry

The root of sacred geometry, which is key in understanding crystals, lies in the interconnectedness between nature and numbers. It underlies the structure of everything and reveals itself through patterns and frequencies. This sacred geometry unites all forms of life from plants, animals, humans, to the motion of the stars and planets. We are a part of it, whether we realize it or not!

Mineral Structure

Crystals are formed in a uniform and repeating pattern. They respond to all different energies around them, oscillate, and emit different vibratory frequencies. They have amazing abilities- to naturally generate an electrical field, or even make the chips used to power our computers and cells used in solar technology.

Crystal Grids:

The stones are placed in a pattern based on specific and focused intent or purpose. They are teachers in frequency and vibration. Each time you place a stone, the vibration shifts. A Life Force energy is created, powerful enough to manifest your intentions when aligned with your grid. There is a raising of consciousness and heightened intuition as a result. The goal is to create a positive frequency within each of us, and emanate that into the world.

The 4 Steps of Crystal Gridding:

1) Connect to Your Heart

Align to your heart and you will be aligned to your true nature. Listen to your heart and allow it to direct the mind.

2) Connect to Your Intention

Create a sacred space for your grid. Cleanse, smudge, use music, candles- whatever your heart desires.

Set your intention, from your heart, not your mind. Write your intention on a small piece of paper. Match YOUR frequency to the reality of what you want. This is the biggest piece of manifestation!

3) Stones and Crystals

Set up your grid. You can do this on a crystal grid/cloth or a blank canvas. The center stone is the Life Force of the crystal energy. It connects all the other crystals together with the set intention.

Choose crystals and stones that are aligned with your intentions. There are so many and they all have different meanings. Set these up around the center stone in a sacred geometrical pattern using your intuition and heart, to activate and enhance their energies.

4) Activating a Grid

Activate the grid with intention. Imagine that your heart’s intention has already happened. Then take a crystal point and draw an imaginary line (start from the center) from one stone to the next, to energetically connect them. Visualize a universal force linking the energy of each stone into one cohesive unit to activate the intention.

Congratulations on creating your grid! You can keep this set up based on your intention and heart. Make time to see it, meditate in front of it, or just remind yourself of your intention every time you are in its presence. Emanate your frequency into the world. Remember that you ARE what you are manifesting- believe it and FEEL it!

Check out Christie Jordan at for more information on this and other powerful classes!



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